Sunday, November 7, 2010


(3 Days – 2 nights)
20.00 – 20.30: minibus pick up at your place to Tran Quy Cap station. Night train to Lao Cai station
•    Day 1:

Pick up at Lao Cai station by minibus to Sapa in early morning. Breakfast in our restaurant.
9.00: our jeep will take you to the highest pass in Viet Nam (Tram Ton pass) located at 2,050 meters above the sea level (16km by jeep), visit the Silver Waterfall before reaching the Pass. Spend your time enjoying the marvelous nature and then start the trek to conquer the roof of Vietnam and Indochina Fanxipan peak.
After roughly 6 hours trek through the primitive rain forest, you will have managed to reach a height of 2,250 meters. At this point, you can relax and enjoy the fresh air, mountains and prepare for dinner. Spend the first night in out cam located by a stream.

•    Day 2:
Breakfast at the camp- then continue climbing to the peak by the way of a pine tree and yellow bamboo forest. After 4,5 hours you will have successfully conquered the roof of Vietnam. Spend 1,5 hour inflowing the splendid landscape from surrounding mountains. At the roof of Vietnam and Indochina is an ideal opportunity for you to enjoy watching the surroundings: to the North West is a small village belonging to Lai Chu province, the splendid rolling mountains, to the north east is an excellent view of Sapa town which is only seen from here. Have lunch then return down to the same camp (2250 meters) for second night in the mountain. Dinner at the camp.
•    Day 3:
After breakfast you will take another route down to the foot of mountain where you can visit and get to know the lifestyles, the traditional customs of the people in the village of Black H’Mong calles Sin Chai, the take jeep back to our hotel (9km by jeep) then have a late lunch in the hotel or have pinic lunch on the trek if it is too late.
In the afternoon you will have a few hours free to explore Sapa town before you go to Lao Cai station for the night train.
•    Day 4:
Arrive Hanoi at 5 am at Tran Quy Cap station. End the trip.

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